By Karlijn Hulshof The 1990s wars marked the end of Yugoslavia. The rise of national identities that accompanied the wars caused a significant change in the perception of culture. Consequently, heritage was one of the targets during the wars and especially religious heritage was under…
Figure 1. (Cover photo). Map showing Biafra (as declared in 1967) and Nigeria in the context of West Africa (source: Eric Gaba, Wikimedia Commons). By Stanley Jachike Onyemechalu Introduction History and collective memory are critical for proper heritage interpretation, especially when it relates to war. Hence,…
Congratulations to Rusudan Mirzikashvili, who has today passed her PhD viva with her thesis “Landscape and Heritage: Exploring Trans-sectoral Connections and their Role in Participatory Governance”.The examiners were Dr Susanne Fredholm (University of Gothenburg) and Prof. John Pendlebury (Newcastle University). The supervisors were Prof. Maggie…