Figure 1: a multispecies imaginary. Source: Jessica Perlstein, The Fifth Sacred Thing, digital artwork, By Fleur Liedmeier The Marineterrein is an area in Amsterdam that has evolved from 17th-century navy shipyards. After 350 years of ownership by the Dutch Royal Navy (a period during…
Figure 1. Shows a comic about an architecture student by Tristan Comics. (tristancomics, 2019). by Hend Yassin In a world fascinated with extra-large trendy projects, it made me rethink if the extra-small tactical interventions can collectively achieve the urban biomass of an XL strategy (Lydon…
By Karlijn Hulshof The 1990s wars marked the end of Yugoslavia. The rise of national identities that accompanied the wars caused a significant change in the perception of culture. Consequently, heritage was one of the targets during the wars and especially religious heritage was under…