Figure 1. The exterior of Pension Homeland (Ceescamel, 2022). By Robyn Schnell Nestled in the heart of the “Marineterrein” (navy terrain), Amsterdam, lies Pension Homeland, a former naval officers’ mess turned hotel, restaurant and brewery (Berg & Berkers, 2017). Pension Homeland is an example of a…
Category: BLOG
Figure 1: a multispecies imaginary. Source: Jessica Perlstein, The Fifth Sacred Thing, digital artwork, By Fleur Liedmeier The Marineterrein is an area in Amsterdam that has evolved from 17th-century navy shipyards. After 350 years of ownership by the Dutch Royal Navy (a period during…
Figure 1. Shows a comic about an architecture student by Tristan Comics. (tristancomics, 2019). by Hend Yassin In a world fascinated with extra-large trendy projects, it made me rethink if the extra-small tactical interventions can collectively achieve the urban biomass of an XL strategy (Lydon…