Although heritage is often perceived as a domain of experts, it is in reality, like landscape, key to the daily lives of all citizens. Increasingly, as in nearly all sectors of society, citizens demand a voice in the definition and management of heritage, and in the development of planning alternatives and design solutions. Here again, heritage planning meets a UN sustainable development goal, that of inclusive and equal social justice. Government agencies, heritage professionals and spatial planners are already beginning to open up to the public, aiming to increase inclusiveness, and heritage tourism and recreation is accessible to larger sections of society than ever. However, there is very little research and much uncertainty about the constraints and potentially negative effects and risks of this openness/inclusiveness. There is also much debate, but little research, on current concepts, tools and procedures for democratization in the access to and definition, appropriation, management and planning of heritage. HERILAND aims to tackle this. The WP trains ESR’s to identify how approaches have evolved, to critically examine them and to test and innovate best practice models, procedures and tools.
PhD projects:
4. Innovative governance systems for future heritage planning. Host: VUA (NL) (CLOSED)
5. Inclusive heritage management processes. Host: TUD (NL) (CLOSED)
6. Urban heritage and mass tourism. Host: ROMA3 (IT) (CLOSED)