Born in Iran, Farnaz Faraji obtained her B.Sc. in Architecture from University of Tabriz in 2014. A year After, she started her Master’s in Conservation and Revitalization of Historic Sites and Buildings- Urban Heritage Conservation in University of Tehran, and completed her M.Sc. in 2019. Her Master’s thesis reflected challenges and conservation opportunities in a village in Iran with Historic Rural Landscape approach. From 2018 to the present, she has worked with NGOs as a research manager and Conservationist. Also, she has participated in three Applied Researches ordered by Municipality of Tehran. Her research interest focuses Industrial Heritage Conservation, Cultural Landscape, Heritage studies, and appliance of Socio-technological tools for Conservation of Urban Heritage.
She is now working as a Research Assistant in Newcastle University, and her research focuses on Citizen Science and big data for collaborative, heritage- based planning of city development.