“The Irony Of Fate” Or Living In Faceless Neighbourhoods Opening scene from Eldar Ryazanov’s movie “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”, 1976source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHdFd2RKRSI December 31, 1983, New Year’s Eve, Moscow, Leningrad, Novosibirsk, Tbilisi, Erevan, Tashkent, and so on and so forth… A Nadya, a…
Tag: heritage
By Moses Katontoka Heritage zoning is a concept that reflects on the idea of forming an almost invisible wall around areas of Outstanding Universal value to humanity. In Essence, heritage zoning is expected to act as a fortification to the areas that we call special…
Contemporary planning contexts are characterised by complex and uncertain issues. There is therefore a need to develop planning methods that can respond to complexity and uncertainty. In her paper, the Heriland ESR Rebecca Staats considers the potential of a post-structuralist planning perspective as one way forward in…